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September 2024
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September 2024

Dear Fellow Alumni,

Welcome to the 2024-25 academic year! As the chair of the Graduate School of Education Alumni Board (the GSEAB), I am grateful for the opportunity to introduce the first Connector of the year. This edition congratulates the Class of 2024, including graduate Virginia Hislop who made GSE history by collecting her degree after 80 years in education. It also provides details about the upcoming 10th Anniversary of Alumni Excellence in Education Awards (AEEA), an update on the new GSE campus, and more.

So many of the stories featured here illustrate the focus for the GSEAB, specifically enhancing our alumni community through communication, mentorship, engaging events, and strengthened partnerships across the university. Moreover, collaborative partnerships across disciplines and generations help us expand our reach and provide better support for students and alumni alike.  To learn more, please join our Stanford Alumni in Education online community.

As I near the end of my first year as the GSEAB chair, I appreciate your support and continued engagement. The past year has been both rewarding and inspiring, and I’m encouraged by the promise of what’s to come in the years ahead. We would love to see you at some of our in-person and online alumni events this year!

Thank you for your ongoing dedication to the GSE pursuit of Improving lives through learning.

Warm regards,

Ting Sun

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Ting L. Sun, PhD
STEP Class of 1988
Chairperson, Graduate School of Education Alumni Board (GSEAB)
Welcome to Stanford's new president

President Jonathan Levin
Photo Credit: Toni Bird/STANFORD Magazine

Jonathan Levin became Stanford University’s 13th president on August 1.

Compliments to the Class of 2024
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GSE 2024 graduates leave campus to lead lives in service to learning.

Lifelong learner
Virginia Hislop

Virginia Hislop collects her GSE master’s degree at age 105.

2024 Alumni Excellence Awards

The GSE commemorates the 10th year of Alumni Excellence in Education Awards.

New campus update
GSE Buildings Updates

Learn about how we are building a sustainable home for the GSE.

"A model Stanford professor"
AERA Reception photo
Dean Dan Schwartz honors Professor Rebecca Silverman with the Judy Koch Professorship of Education.
Starting school with excitement
How school comes to be a place where you want to be

GSE Senior Lecturer Denise Pope offers ways to help students feel less stressed and more excited about school.

Professional learning opportunities
Teaching Mathematics as a Conceptual & Connected Subject (Grades 4-5)
October 24, November 6, & November 14, 2024

Join Jo Boaler and youcubed team for three 2-hour online sessions to learn how to teach mathematics as a conceptual and connected subject to students in grades 4 and 5. Through presentations, classroom videos, and interactive breakout sessions, participants will gain an understanding of the key components of this teaching approach, including rich mathematics tasks, research-based practices, mindset messages, and engaging pedagogy.

Similar workshops for grades 6-8 will be held on December 5, 9, and 19.

Find out more →
National Board Online Candidate Support Program
2024-25 Academic Year

Get training and support for your National Board Certification process through a self-paced online course and online support group meetings led by professional learning facilitators and Nationally Board Certified Teachers in each certificate area. The National Board Resource Center also partners with schools, districts or other education organizations to offer private certification cohorts, and offers hybrid cohorts with additional local support and collaboration facilitated by the NBRC.

Find out more and register →
News, stories, and updates for you
Stanford Graduate School of Education relaunches School’s In podcast | GSE News →

The Graduate School of Education's award-winning School’s In podcast is back! Listen in with hosts Dean Dan Schwartz and Senior Lecturer Denise Clark Pope as they help navigate the future of education.
GSE welcomes two new faculty members  | GSE News 
Maisha T. Winn studies equity and restorative justice, and Christina Krist researches teaching and science education.

Data-informed student support  | Challenge 
Student Voices Report illustrates the complex dimensions of student well-being, belonging, and engagement.

Designing with learners in mind GSE News 

The 2024 LDT cohort showcased solution-oriented projects to address a range of educational issues. Watch the presentations here

The value of edtech interventions   | Research Stories 
New study explores what makes digital learning products more  or less  effective.

Stanford Graduate School of Education
485 Lasuen Mall, Stanford, CA 94305-3096