Heath Morrison

Heath Morrison


Dr. Heath E. Morrison is the Superintendent of Washoe County School
District in Reno, Nevada. The Washoe County School District is the
second largest school district in Nevada with approximately 63,000
students enrolled in 94 schools. Morrison previously served as community
superintendent for the Downcounty Consortium in Montgomery County
Public Schools, Maryland. In this role, he supervised 35 schools,
approximately 24,500 students, in some of the most diverse and
economically impacted areas of the school system. Morrison also served
as principal of John Hanson Middle School and Thomas Stone High School
in Charles County, Maryland, and in 2004, was named Maryland’s Principal
of the Year. He also served as an adjunct instructor with McDaniel
College teaching aspiring administrators. In 2007, he completed his
tenure as co-chair of the National Association of Secondary School
Principals’ task force on principal preparation. He holds a bachelor’s
degree in government from the College of William and Mary, a master’s
degree in educational administration and a doctorate degree in
educational policy and planning from the University of Maryland.
Morrison is a graduate of the 2009 class of The Broad Superintendents
Academy. He was named as a finalist for the 2012 National Superintendent
of the Year by the American Association of School Administrators.