Stanford Graduate School of Education

Learning Sciences and Design Technology 25th Anniversary Conference

GSE North Building: the Great Hall & the Forum

Prospects and Challenges for Inventing the Future of Computer-Augmented Human Learning

In honor of the 25th anniversary of the Learning Sciences and Technology Design (LSTD), participants will share insights and enthusiasms from the latest research represented in the achievements of over 100 LSTD graduates, and reconnect and network anew the doctoral graduate community with the vibrant activities of current LSTD students and faculty.

The conference structure will include symposia, roundtables, a demonstration showcase, and scientific posters around themes such as Research-Practice Partnerships and Design-Based Research, and emerging technologies such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Generative AI. Speakers will include LSTD alumni, Stanford Graduate School of Education faculty, and industry experts, among others.

Details and agenda to follow in late May 2025.