Image of three GSE students smiling in front of The Claw fountain at Stanford. Overlaid is black and red text that reads GSE Admissions: Improving lives through learning

Diversity Education Leaders Outreach Program (DivELOP) at Stanford GSE


Stanford GSE’s Diversity Education Leaders Outreach Program aims to support faculty and administrators of academic enrichment and prep programs in advising their students on applying to graduate school. Students from such programs who are in good standing are eligible to apply for a fee waiver when they apply to graduate programs at Stanford:

Session topics will include:

  • An overview of GSE’s doctoral and master’s programs
  • How applications are reviewed at GSE
  • What makes an application competitive
  • What makes a competitive statement of purpose
  • Ideal recommendation letters
  • Administrators' role in the recruitment and application process

To register, click the RSVP button above where you will complete a form asking you why you wish to participate in the program.