Basics of Figma Workshop | Supported by Dean's CLF


Basics of Figma on Dec 2 (Fri), 5:00PM to 6:15PM at CERAS 204. This is for everyone who wants to get started with building prototypes using Figma. The session will be hands-on and the following topics will be covered:

  • Navigating Figma's UI
  • Creating Components using Figma
  • Using Community UI Kits
  • Building Prototypes using UI kits

If you are planning to attend, please RSVP. So that we can arrange food accordingly. Since we all hate wasting food, we won't order extra so please RSVP. You will also receive a link to add the event to your calendar once you fill out the form. :)

RSVP Link:

As a pre-work, please sign up at Figma and get verified for education so that all the pro features are available for use. It won't take more than 3 minutes to apply for verification. Here's the link to get verified: