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School funding and the Common Core (interview with Michael Kirst)

August 15, 2014
KQED Newsroom
Michael Kirst, professor emeritus, discusses the new funding formula for California schools and the Common Core standards.

Back to School: Education Policy

It's not just kids who are getting ready to hit the books. California schools will be put to the test this year as well, with two major policy changes. First, California's new funding formula, devised by Gov. Jerry Brown puts local districts in control of how they spend education funding and provides more money for low income students and English learners. Also, the national Common Core curriculum takes full effect this school year, changing how students are taught and tested.

KQED Newsroom discusses these changes with Michael Kirst, California State School Board President, and Jill Tucker, San Francisco Chronicle Education Reporter.

For the broadcast, click here.

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