Dissertation Proposal Hearing Forms
Stanford GSE requires doctoral students to write a doctoral dissertation proposal to be reviewed by a committee of three faculty, one of whom will be, or is, your primary dissertation advisor. The proposal hearing normally occurs during the third year of your doctoral program, but sometimes later depending upon circumstances and needs. Note that the dissertation proposal hearing is not required in order for students to advance to TGR status; students can advance to TGR status prior to OR after completing the proposal hearing. Consult the Doctoral Degree Handbook for more information: Dissertation Proposal
Required forms to submit
The required form to submit to the doctoral program officer is the dissertation proposal cover sheet (cover sheet only, not the entire document).
- Dissertation Proposal Cover Sheet
This form must be signed by all proposal hearing committee members immediately after your hearing. Submit the signed document to the doctoral program officer to indicate your completion of this milestone. Only the cover sheet is required for the doctoral program officer. If revisions are required, the student must submit written confirmation from their committee to the doctoral program officer that revisions have been completed. See more information in the handbook about claiming your $300 Stanford GSE printing credit: Dissertation Proposal
Informational documents
- Committee Composition
This document outlines the requirements for your First Year Review, Second Year Review, Dissertation Proposal Hearing, Dissertation Reading, and Oral Exam Committees. Each is a separate and distinct committee, however, the same members often serve on more than one of your committees.
Contact us
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