Instructions for preparing and submitting the dissertation can be found below. Students may also petition for graduation quarter (the quarter after they defend) using the form below.
- Directions for Preparing Doctoral Dissertations
The University Registrar’s Office publishes these general guidelines for dissertation preparation and submission each year. It emphasizes formatting and submission procedures, not content. (You and your reading committee have discretion over content and writing norms within the discipline.) As you near completion of the dissertation, we encourage you to make an appointment with the Registrar’s Office for a format check at any point before submission. To make an appointment, visit the Student Services Center on the 2nd floor of Tresidder Union.
- Doctoral Dissertation Agreement Form
This form authorizes online publication of your doctoral dissertation and the separate abstract through ProQuest. It is mandatory for all doctoral dissertation submissions.
- Survey of Earned Doctorates
This document must be submitted to the Registrar's Office during your final appointment. If you find the Survey objectionable, complete only the parts that are not problematic for you. At the very least, you must write your name in the space provided on the first page and state "declined" if you do not wish to participate.
- Graduation Quarter Petition- fill out and submit form in Student eForms section of Axess
This is a special registration status that enables you to pay only $150 for tuition in your final quarter at Stanford. To qualify, you must complete all coursework and degree milestones aside from the oral exam and/or dissertation submission before the start of your designated Graduation Quarter. In order to qualify, your doctoral program needs to have been “active” in the previous quarter. The university considers a leave of absence to be an active program status. So if you were on an approved leave the prior quarter, that is considered an active status. The Registrar's Office does not make exceptions to these requirements. The $150 Graduation Quarter can only be used once during your doctoral career.