Master's Forms
Please be sure to download each form to your desktop before filling them out. Filling out the form within your browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox) will not save your data.
To download a form:
- Right click the form
- Click on Save Link As
CTE Program Proposal
This document must be completed and returned to the MA Programs Officer by November 10, 2017. Revisions to the courses listed on the original program proposal must be approved and submitted by April 18, 2018.
Master's Thesis Submission Form
This form is used to notify the MA Programs Officer of successful completion of a student's master's thesis or project and is needed in order for a student to graduate. This document must be signed by the student and the student's advisor; and returned to the MA Programs Officer by the University's thesis deadline (June 6, 2018).
Master's Student Travel Fellowship
Master's students who are presenting at a conference can apply for a travel fellowship to assist with the cost of transportation, lodging, meals, or registration. Submit the completed application to the MA Programs Officer, Cubberley Room 141.
All applications must include:
A copy of the formal invitation to participate in the conference (or evidence of participation). An email invitation is acceptable.
Endorsement and verification of satisfactory academic progress.
An estimated budget.
EDS Program Proposal
The Preliminary Program Proposal (first-year students) and Final Program Proposal (second-year students) is Friday, November 10, 2023.
EDS Petition to Approve Course for Requirement
EDS Petition to Substitute a Core Sequence Course
Master's Student Travel Fellowship
Master's students who are presenting at a conference can apply for a travel fellowship to assist with the cost of transportation, lodging, meals, or registration. Submit the completed application to the Director of Degree Programs.
All applications must include:
A copy of the formal invitation to participate in the conference (or evidence of participation). An email invitation is acceptable.
Endorsement and verification of satisfactory academic progress.
An estimated budget.
ICE & IEPA Program Proposal
Program proposals are a way for students to outline their course plan for the duration of their master's program, and are required by the university. Two program proposals are due: the preliminary program proposal is due in autumn quarter and the final program proposal is due in spring quarter. It is not unusual for the final program proposal to differ from the preliminary program proposal as students' interest in or ability to take certain courses may change throughout their time in the program.
Master's Paper Submission Form (form will be sent to students via email)
This form is used to notify the Assistant Director of Degree Programs of successful completion of a student's master's paper and is needed in order for a student to graduate. The electronic form will be routed from the student to the advisor for approval of the master's paper.
Petition to Change Subplan (Declaration or Change to a Field of Study for Graduate Students)
Students who want to change from ICE to IEPA or vice versa should complete this form before the Spring Quarter final study list deadline and get approval from their Program Director and the Assistant Director of Degree Programs. The form is available in Axess as an eForm called "Declaration or Change to a Field of Study for Graduate Students".
Master's Student Travel Fellowship
Master's students who are presenting at a conference can apply for a travel fellowship to assist with the cost of transportation, lodging, meals, or registration. Submit the completed application to the Assistant Director of Degree Programs.
All applications must include:
- A copy of the formal invitation to participate in the conference (or evidence of participation). An email invitation is acceptable.
- Endorsement and verification of satisfactory academic progress.
- An estimated budget.
LDT Program Proposal
This document must be completed and returned to the Director of Degree Programs by the fall deadline. Revisions to the courses listed on the original program proposal must be approved and submitted by the spring deadline.
LDT Petition to Approve Course for Requirement
Students who wish to make substitutions for required courses must complete the LDT Petition to Approve Course for Requirement form. This form must be signed by the student's advisor and program director, and returned to the Director of Degree Programs.
Master's Student Travel Fellowship
Master's students who are presenting at a conference can apply for a travel fellowship to assist with the cost of transportation, lodging, meals, or registration. Submit the completed application to the Director of Degree Programs.
All applications must include:
A copy of the formal invitation to participate in the conference (or evidence of participation). An email invitation is acceptable.
Endorsement and verification of satisfactory academic progress.
An estimated budget.
Master's Project Submission Form
This form is used to notify the Director of Degree Programs of successful completion of a student's master's thesis or project and is needed in order for a student to graduate. This document must be approved by the student's advisor and program director; and returned to the Director of Degree Programs by the stated deadline.
POLS Program Proposal
The Preliminary Program Proposal is due Friday, October 7, 2022. The Final Program Proposal is due Friday, April 14, 2023.
Master's Student Travel Fellowship
Master's students who are presenting at a conference can apply for a travel fellowship to assist with the cost of transportation, lodging, meals, or registration. Submit the completed application to the MA Programs Officer, Galvez 123.
All applications must include:
A copy of the formal invitation to participate in the conference (or evidence of participation). An email invitation is acceptable.
Endorsement and verification of satisfactory academic progress.
An estimated budget.
Joint Degree Program Proposal
Use this form to record only those courses you will count toward the Education MA. The Preliminary Program Proposal is due Friday, October 6, 2023. The Final Program Proposal is due Friday, April 12, 2024.
Joint Degree Petition to Count Non-EDUC Units
Use this form to request to count non-EDUC units toward the Education MA. This form is due to Geoff Cox by the end of the first week of the quarter you enroll in the course.
MA/MPP Program Proposal
The Preliminary Program Proposal is due Friday, October 7, 2022. The Final Program Proposal is due Friday, April 14, 2023.
Master's Student Travel Fellowship
Master's students who are presenting at a conference can apply for a travel fellowship to assist with the cost of transportation, lodging, meals, or registration. Submit the completed application to the MA Programs Officer, Galvez 123.
All applications must include:
A copy of the formal invitation to participate in the conference (or evidence of participation). An email invitation is acceptable.
Endorsement and verification of satisfactory academic progress.
An estimated budget.
MA/JD Program Proposal
This document must be submitted to the MA Programs Officer as part of the application to the joint degree. Revisions to the courses listed on the original program proposal must be approved and submitted by April 12, 2024 for students graduating in June 2024.
MA/JD Course Petition
Students who wish to make modifications to their course requirements must submit the MA/JD Course Petition. This form will be routed electronically to Professor Bill Koski for review.
Individually Designed MA Program Proposal
This document must be completed and returned to the MA Programs Officer as part of the application to the program, and again during Spring Quarter of the student's final year at Stanford.
Contact us
PhD students, please contact:

MA POLS and MA/PP students, please contact:

EDS, ICE/IEPA, Individually Designed, LDT, MA/JD, MA/MBA students, please contact: