Graduation and diplomas

Before you throw your cap in the air, there are a few steps you need to take. This page contains details about completing necessary requirements as well as information on Stanford’s commencement ceremony and the GSE diploma ceremony.

Applying to graduate

Did you know you need to apply to graduate? This page has all the information you need, including deadlines and instructions for submitting your application.

Graduation checklist

If you are ready to confer your degree(s), this checklist will help ensure you’re completing the necessary requirements to graduate.

Stanford University Commencement weekend

The Stanford commencement site has information on university events throughout the weekend.

GSE diploma ceremony

The GSE welcomes graduates, their families, and friends to its celebratory diploma ceremony on commencement day.

Ordering caps and gowns

Academic attire is required to participate in many Commencement weekend activities and will be available to rent or purchase from the Stanford Bookstore.

Stanford diplomas

Learn about your diploma – from how and when you will receive it, to the  information it includes.

Stanford Alumni Association

What’s next in your Stanford journey after you graduate? Stanford Alumni Association helps you stay connected.

GSE alumni home

GSE alumni are changing the world. Connect with our global community, continue learning, and share your expertise with the next generation of education leaders.

Contact us

PhD students, please contact:

MA POLS and MA/PP students, please contact:

EDS, ICE/IEPA, Individually Designed, LDT, MA/JD, MA/MBA students, please contact: