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Our Community

Meet our faculty, students, alumni and staff who make up a dynamic community focused on improving lives through learning, teaching, discovery and innovation.

Photo of Jana Kaopuiki
Jana Kaopuiki, MA '17 Learning Design and Technology
Mapping our connections to other people
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Photo of Muchemi Njuguna
Muchemi Njuguna, MA '17 International Comparative Education
Teaching life skills through sport
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Photo of Jeremiah Lockwood
Jeremiah Lockwood, PhD '19
How music has evolved
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Photo of Julia Quintero
Julia Quintero, '15, MA '18 Stanford Teacher Education Program
"Pre-ed" opportunities for undergrads
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Photo of Jomayra Herrera
Jomayra Herrera, MA '15 Policy, Organization, and Leadership Studies
Mentoring first-generation and low-income students
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Photo of Tanner Vea
Tanner Vea, PhD '18
Studying animal rights activists
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Photo of  Tina Cheuk and her daughter
Tina Cheuk, MA '07 Policy, Organization, and Leadership Studies, PhD '19
Advocating for parent-scholars
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Dick and Ann Gould
Dick and Ann Gould, '59, MA '60 and '72, MA '80
Tennis and teaching
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Aashna Shroff
Aashna Shroff, MA '18 Learning Design and Technology
Teaching girls to code
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