Cubberley Lecture Series 2022 Presents

An evening with Geoffrey Canada
Author, children’s advocate, and founder of Harlem Children’s Zone
Keynote followed by a conversation moderated by
Ted Lempert
President, Children Now
With panelists
Lisa J. Chamberlain, MD, MPH
Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford School of Medicine
and Kitty Lopez
Executive Director, First 5 San Mateo County and Board President, First 5 State Association
Helping all children unlock a lifetime of learning
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
6:00 – 7:15 p.m.
Memorial Auditorium
551 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford University
Reception and Book Signing, 5:00 p.m.
Memorial Auditorium East Courtyard
Abundant opportunities for social distancing will be available in Memorial Auditorium.
Face coverings, especially in Memorial Auditorium, are strongly recommended, as is staying home and joining us via livestream if you have symptoms.
Galvez Lot has been reserved for event parking.
Also presented virtually via Stanford Livestream. You must be registered in advance to receive the link.
This event was not recorded.
One of the smartest investments in education is simple: pay it forward from the beginning of life. That means taking advantage of the early years when young children’s brains are undergoing explosive growth and forming the architecture necessary to realize their full potential. How do we help families, educators, caregivers, and communities interpret and apply new understandings of brain maturation and cognitive development? How can an interdisciplinary approach create personalized early childhood learning solutions? How can meaningful policy change, especially for our most under-resourced children, be advanced? Why is now a ripe moment for bold action? Join us for an evening of inspiration and conversation with education visionaries who think deeply about these important questions.
GEOFFREY CANADA founded the Harlem Children’s Zone (HCZ) Project in 1997 with the mission to end intergenerational poverty in Central Harlem and lead the way for other long-distressed communities to do the same. From early childhood, education, and career programs to community outreach and wellness initiatives, HCZ’s on-the-ground, wrap-around programming opens pathways to mobility and prosperity. The work of Canada and HCZ has been featured on 60 Minutes, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Nightline, National Public Radio and in the documentary Waiting for “Superman.”
For his work advocating for low-income children and families of color, he received the first Heinz Award, the Harold W. McGraw Jr. Prize in Education, The Jefferson Award for Public Service, and the Common Good Award from Bowdoin College. Drawing on his own childhood experiences growing up in the South Bronx, Canada wrote Fist Stick Knife Gun: A Personal History of Violence. Canada holds a BA from Bowdoin College and an MA from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Canada will sign books at the reception from 5:00 - 5:40 p.m.

LISA CHAMBERLAIN, MD, MPH is the founder of the Office for Child Health Equity in Stanford’s Department of Pediatrics. As a Harman Faculty Scholar she studies “Kinder Ready Clinics," bridging the early childhood education and pediatric sectors to reduce educational inequity.

TED LEMPERT, JD '86 is president of Children Now, a research and policy organization focused on transforming children’s advocacy. Lempert previously served four terms in the California State Assembly.

KITTY LOPEZ is Executive Director of First 5 San Mateo County; Board President, First 5 State Association. Lopez previously served as leading nonprofit executive supporting children and families in San Mateo County.
The Galvez Lot at the corner of Galvez Street and Campus Drive has been reserved for this event. Additional parking in the A, C, metered and shared lots is free after 4:00 p.m. on weekdays (except at the Oval).
For disability-related accommodations, please contact the Diversity & Access Office by May 16 by emailing or calling 650-725-0326.