Career Education at Stanford GSE

Welcome to EdCareers, Stanford Graduate School of Education’s career education, experiential learning, and graduate student employment office. Our mission is to empower education leaders and change makers by supporting the career development of our students and alumni. 

Throughout your time as a student, EdCareers is here to connect you to industry and education leaders and help you pursue your goals with clarity and confidence. With our network of alumni, your time as a student is only the beginning of your EdCareers journey.

What we offer

Explore the many services, resources, learning, and networking opportunities EdCareers has to offer.


Our staff offers one-on-one and group career coaching for students and alumni. Consider career opportunities, hone your job search, learn interview skills, and make connections with our network of education leaders.

Experiential Learning

Many of our master’s students participate in experiential learning as a part of their programs. EdCareers helps connect employers and students for mutually-beneficial field work.

Job Portal

EdCareers offers a job and internship portal where employers can recruit GSE students and alumni, and GSE community members can browse opportunities in Education.

Career Resources

Access the EdCareers Resources page to view a curated list of resources designed to support you on your career journey.

EdCareers provides current GSE students premium access to, a new AI job search tool that helps you to analyze your skill gaps, build and edit your resume and cover letter, assess your LinkedIn profile, and track your job applications in convenient location.

Career Outcomes Reports

Our graduates go on to become leaders in a variety of contexts, including school systems and higher education, government, education nonprofits, ed tech, industry, and philanthropy.

Career Education Workshops and Events

Throughout the school year, our staff offers workshops to students on a variety of topics, as well as panel discussions and speakers. Check out the weekly newsletter for the latest offerings.

EdCareers Newsletter

Students automatically receive our weekly email with jobs and experiential learning opportunities as well as information on upcoming events and workshops at the GSE and around campus. Alumni also subscribe to learn about career development opportunities.

LinkedIn Group

Our LinkedIn group includes hundreds of GSE alumni across the globe making a difference in education. Set up your Stanford alumni account, request to join the group, and get started networking.

Stanford career resources

While EdCareers at the GSE specializes in education career development, as a member of the Stanford community you have access to a wealth of university resources as well.

Participants looking up from their laptops to the speaker.

Stanford Career Education

Stanford Career Education is the university’s central career services office and offers general coaching, assessments, workshops, career panels, and job fairs.

Visit the Stanford Career Education website

Three participants around a desk smiling at their notes.

Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education

Stanford’s VPGE offers broad support to graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, including professional development workshops, academic guidance, and the Stanford Graduate Summer Institute. Whether your destination is academia or the private, public, or non-profit sectors, VPGE can help you build leadership and communication skills and thrive during your graduate studies. 

Visit the VPGE website

Ceiling of national flags

Bechtel International Center

Stanford’s Bechtel International Center, a part of Student Affairs, provides support and services to international students and scholars, including guidance on visas and employment.

Visit the Bechtel website

Three people around a laptop.

Stanford Alumni Association (SAA) career connections

SAA offers access to the alumni directory, alumni groups, professional networking events and more.

Visit SAA career connections