Race, Inequality, and Language in Education Conference 2016
Whether you are a teacher, researcher, or graduate student, we invite you to join us for this unique event. Stanford's GSE seeks to take a leading role in conducting research on issues of poverty, race, and language in schools. Launching the RILE program at Stanford allows the GSE to become a leader in this area by bringing together leading scholars from across the nation.
Complimentary registration
Pre-registration is now closed. Limited open seats will be available at the conference and will be seated on a first come, first serve basis. Everyone is welcome.
Start Times
Friday, October 28
11:00am to 7:30pm
Saturday, October 29
8:00am to 3:30pm
Center for Educational Research at Stanford (CERAS)
520 Galvez Mall, Stanford, CA 94305
Leah Gordon
Gordon studies the impact of race on schools through examining the history of race in schools.
Sean Reardon
Reardon studies how poverty and economic inequality impacts schools.
Guadalupe Valdes
Valdes conducts research that examines how language, dialect, and language varieties impacts schools across disciplines.
Bryan A. Brown
Brown conducts research about how language and race impact students as they learn science in urban schools.
Graduate Student Poster Session
We are using an online submission process for the conference poster session proposals. The poster proposals submission portal will remain open until October 14, 2016. For more information, please refer to the Call for Poster Proposals.