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Assistant: Elayne Weissler-Martello
Office: Littlefield 378
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education
Associate Professor (By courtesy), Religious Studies
Religion | Sociology
Kelman, A. Y., Yares, L., & Kober, H. Z. (2024). Jewish Education. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/display/document/obo-9780199840731/obo-9780199840731-0248.xml?rskey=4cxL43&result=1&q=Jewish+education#firstMatch
Kelman, A. Y. (2024). Jewish Education. JEWISH EDUCATION, 1–193.
Kelman, A. Y., Horwitz, I. M., & Ahmed, A. (2023). The Other Dual Curriculum: Jewish Community High School Students' Reflections on What Counts as "Jewish" Learning. JOURNAL OF JEWISH EDUCATION.