Jennifer Langer-Osuna

Jennifer Osuna

Associate Professor
Assistant: Melissa Cromosini
Office: Littlefield 375


Dr. Langer-Osuna's research focuses on the nature of student identity and engagement during collaborative mathematical activity, and the ways in which authority and influence are constructed in interaction. Recent work has focused on developing theoretical and analytic tools to capture the construction of marginalization and privilege in patterns of student engagement, and the spread of ideas in student-led collaborative work. Her work has appeared in the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Journal of the Learning Sciences, Review of Research in Education, Mathematics Teaching and Learning, ZDM, Mathematics Education Research Journal, Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, Education Sciences, among other outlets. 

Other titles

Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education

Program affiliations

CTE: Mathematics Education
Learning Sciences and Technology Design (LSTD)
SHIPS (PhD): Race, Inequality, and Language in Education (RILE)

Research interests

Recent publications

Osuna, J. M., & Munson, J. (2024). Exploring what teachers notice about students' interactional dynamics during collaborative mathematics problem-solving and their connections to instructional practice. TEACHING AND TEACHER EDUCATION, 137.
Langer-Osuna, J., Munson, J., Gargroetzi, E., Williams, I., & Chavez, R. (2020). "So what are we working on?": how student authority relations shift during collaborative mathematics activity. EDUCATIONAL STUDIES IN MATHEMATICS.
Langer-Osuna, J. M., Gargroetzi, E., Munson, J., & Chavez, R. (2020). Exploring the Role of Off-Task Activity on Students' Collaborative Dynamics. JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, 112(3), 514–32.