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Project Updates

What’s going on behind the fence? Learn more about the latest progress as the new home of the GSE takes shape.

An overhead image of the north building construction site, with the floor, framing, and staircases of the forum taking shape

A crane lifts steel beams as the new north building forum framing and staircases take shape. June 2024 (Photo courtesy McCarthy Construction)

June–July 2024

  • North building center core foundation complete
  • Framing of the north building forum and staircases in progress
  • Installation of walls and doors in the south building underway
  • Installation of windows in the south building ongoing


Image of workers on scaffolding working on structural framing, with four levels of a building visible

With the north building basement, first, second, and third floors visible, workers continue shoring and structural support. (April 2024)

March–May 2024

  • North building interior demolition complete
  • North building upgrade of foundation and substructure continues, along with shoring, structural support, and footings for the center core.
  • Exterior wall framing underway for the south building, as interior wall layout continues
View of the north building after center core removal, from the south building fourth floor

Wait! Where is the old auditorium? View of the north building after center core removal, from the south building fourth floor

January–February 2024

  • North building center core (former auditorium plus south-facing rooms) is removed to make way for construction of the forum.
  • South building structural steel, metal decking, and steel stairway completed.
  • South building interior wall framing begins.
Steel beams are being installed on the South building

With daily deliveries of structural steel, the new south building takes shape rapidly.

October–November 2023

  • Construction of the steel structure for the south building gets underway in early October, with placement of the final beam ("Topping Off") on October 31.
  • Excavation for the sunken garden is completed.
  • Shoring up of the north building begins, in preparation for reconfiguration of interior spaces.
Construction site

The site of the new south building, viewed from the third floor of the north building

August-September 2023

  • Permits are issued by the county. 
  • Construction of the new south building begins!
  • Dirt hauling from excavation work continues; excavation of the sunken garden begins.
  • Rebar delivery and concrete pouring begin.
  • Utility work continues along Lasuen Mall.
Construction site with North building roof tiles being removed

Removing the roof tiles from the historic north building

June-July 2023

  • North building roof tiles are removed and salvaged for reinstallation later. 
  • An existing PG&E gas line needs to be relocated because it runs under the south building site.
  • Utility work includes tie-ins to lake water for irrigation, replacing power lines, and adding hot water pipes.
  • Asbestos abatement is completed in the north building.

In March of 2023, the building adjacent to the historic Barnum building was demolished (and a palm tree relocated!) to make way for construction of the new south building. 

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