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Lilach Shafir

Lilach Shafir
Lilach Shafir

I am the Associate Director of Experiential Education at American Jewish World Service (AJWS)--an international development human rights organization. I manage a team of talented educators, support curriculum development and shape/lead global justice programs to developing countries; through these programs, we inspire our North American leaders to take action on policies that affect partners in 19 countries around the world. I draw upon the learning from IEAPA on a regular basis and I am fortunate to have not only the professional experience but also the rigorous academic training, both of these motivate me to work towards change in existing international systems. 

I was attracted to GSE's program in international education for a number of reasons. While I was fortunate to have a great deal of field experience, both in teaching/directing experiential education and with in-country international development program implementation (in East Timor, Ghana, Uganda, Nicaragua, Mexico and Brazil), I was lacking in the theoretical underpinnings of this field. I also had a deficit in applied research skills. The ICE/IEAPA program excels in both of these areas. Finally, the MA paper was a particularly effective capstone that I used to merge my field experience, newly acquired theoretical knowledge, and research skills. I did not merely learn for the sake of individual classes; my knowledge came together through this project. Finally, I thoroughly enjoyed learning with and from my professors and student cohort. I feel privileged to be a part of this community, and while I am several years out of my program I still hold fast to this network of committed researchers and practitioners.

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