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Luke Terra

Photo of Luke Terra
Luke Terra

"In the ICE MA program I focused on comparative civic education, and completed a monograph exploring the content of civic and history textbooks in Northern Ireland, England and the Republic of Ireland. I am particularly interested in how states recovering from violent ethnic conflict or transitioning to democratic practice re-envision the purpose and content of civic education programs. After graduating from the ICE program in 2008, I accepted a position with the Center for Civic Education in Calabasas, CA. As a Program Manager in the Civitas International Programs of the Center, I manage an international portfolio of educational development projects in the Balkans, Africa and Asia. In each of these sites, I partner with local educators and organizations to develop civics curricula for elementary and secondary schools, organize teacher training programs, and build national support for civic education.

In the winter of 2008 I applied to the PhD in International Comparative Education. I have been accepted and plan to return to SUSE in September 2009. Though I will only be in my current position for a little more than a year, I have gained valuable and relevant professional experience in my research area, and established relationships with civic educators around the world who I can turn to for guidance and support during my doctoral study."

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