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Osvaldo Jimenez

Osvaldo Jimenez

Osvaldo Jimenez,
'02, MA ’04 Learning Design and Technology, PhD ’13

Realizing what it means to belong

Osvaldo Jimenez returned to campus in November 2018 for the 10th anniversary celebration of the Diversifying Academia, Recruiting Excellence (DARE) doctoral fellowship program. “The DARE fellowship meant everything to me,” says Jimenez, who earned his doctorate from the GSE in Learning Sciences and Technology Design. He credits the fellowship with helping him realize he belonged in academia and showing him the steps he needed to take after finishing his dissertation to enter the field.

Now an assistant professor of computer science at the University of the Pacific, he just submitted his paperwork for tenure. “I don’t think that would have been possible if it wasn’t for DARE.”

November 15, 2018
Photo: Holly Hernandez

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