Jim Lobdell

Raising Well-Balanced Children in a Fast Paced World

Parents are invited to register now for a new spring course presented by Challenge Success.
February 28, 2011
School of Education News

Children today live in a culture characterized by a "more is better" mindset, both in and out of school. This fast-paced existence for kids too often places them under undue performance pressure and stress, often resulting in burn-out, disengagement, and unhealthy life patterns. Ironically, today's hard-charging, highly-structured environment leaves many children lacking the very skills needed to thrive in the 21st century: creativity, adaptability, problem solving and resilience. This course is designed to help parents create a healthy balance between achievement and personal fulfillment for their children.

During this six-week course, participants will explore this central question: What is success, and how can I foster it in today's fast-paced, performance-based culture?  To do so, participants will examine current research on childhood stressors and learn specific strategies to promote physical and mental health, engagement in school, and overall well-being for children in elementary and middle school. They'll also explore the daily challenges of finding time for play, handling homework, choosing appropriate extracurricular activities, and promoting healthier lifestyles and deeper connections for the entire family.

Instructor:  Kathy Ruwe, Challenge Success Coach and elementary school counselor

Guest Speakers: Challenge Success Co-Founders Madeline Levine and Jim Lobdell

For parents of children ages 5-12 years old

Wednesdays, April 27 to June 1 from 7:00 to 9:15pm

For more information, email info@challengesuccess.org