My research investigates the causes, patterns, trends, and consequences of social and educational inequality. In particular, I study issues of residential and school segregation and of racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in academic achievement and educational success. In addition, my work develops methods of measuring social and educational inequality (including the measurement of segregation and achievement gaps) and methods of causal inference in educational and social science research.
Other titles
Professor (By courtesy), Sociology
Program affiliations
SHIPS (PhD): Race, Inequality, and Language in Education (RILE)
SHIPS (PhD): Economics of Education
SHIPS (PhD): Educational Data Science
SHIPS (PhD): Educational Policy
SHIPS (PhD): Higher Education
SHIPS (PhD): Sociology of Education
Stanford Accelerator for Learning
Research interests
Achievement | Data Sciences | Diversity and Identity | Economics and Education | Educational Policy | Poverty and Inequality | Sociology
Recent publications
Nonoyama-Tarumi, Y., & Reardon, S. F. (2024). Cross-National Comparison of the Relative Size of Lower-Tail and Upper-Tail SES Achievement Gaps. AERA OPEN, 10.
Leung-Gagne, J., & Reardon, S. F. (2023). It Is Surprisingly Difficult to Measure Income Segregation. Demography.
Matheny, K. T., Thompson, M. E., Townley-Flores, C., & Reardon, S. F. (2023). Uneven Progress: Recent Trends in Academic Performance Among US School Districts. AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL.