GSE Signature
The Stanford Graduate School of Education signature is the primary emblem of the Stanford GSE.
Treat the signature as artwork, not as typography. It cannot be accurately reproduced with any typeface. There are two orientations of the signature—horizontal (preferred) and vertical. See below for instructions for downloading the signature.
For more information on the Stanford wordmark and Stanford emblems, please visit the Stanford Identity Toolkit name and emblems page.
Horizontal signature (preferred)

Vertical signature

For information on creating a department signature for a center or lab, please visit the Stanford Identity Toolkit department branding page.
Use full color signature on white or light backgrounds.

Use white or black signatures on dark or medium-colored backgrounds.
Use the white version on a dark background and the black version on a light background. Always maximize contrast.

Allow enough space around the signature to allow for quick identification and make the signature prominent.

Use the full color signature on a dark- or medium-colored background. The signature should maximize contrast with its background.

Combine or “lock” the GSE signatures with other logos or graphics.

Remove words from the GSE signature. The Stanford wordmark is the distinguishing element of the mark, therefore the GSE signature must always include it.

Stretch or distort the signature.

GSE signature downloads
For print
You can download the GSE signature in EPS or PDF files. Both are vector format, meaning they can be scaled up and down without distortion or loss of resolution.
For web and digital
JPG files have a raster GSE signature on a white background and no margins.
PNG files have a raster GSE signature on a transparent background and no margins.
Downloads of both JPG and PNG files include three different sizes of the signature.