Vision Elements
The spirit of our school and our plans for the future are captured in our vision and mission. To learn more about the vision and mission, please visit our vision page.
Our identity line is a tagline that expresses the school’s purpose and vision. Used with our signature, the identity line creates recognition and understanding of who we are and what we strive to do. The GSE signature represents our Stanford identity. The identity line is a verbal and visual expression of our message.
We encourage members of the GSE community to use the tagline in all GSE strategic messaging. For templates for print and presentation slides, as well as merchandise applications, please see Applying the Identity.
The tagline has graphic and text options.

Two-line text

One-line text

Use the version that best supports the design of your communication piece, remembering that the message of the tagline is most important. You can download the elements below.
You can also recreate the text version using the following fonts and colors. For a dark background, use white text.
RGB: 46,45,41
Hex: #2e2d29
CMYK: 0,0,0,100
Cardinal Red
RGB: 140,21,21
Hex: #8c1515
CMYK: 0,100,65,34
Light Gray
RGB: 228, 228, 227
CMYK: 0/0/0/10
Source Sans Pro
Source Sans Pro is Stanford’s primary sans serif font and should be used in print, web, and social media communications. Though Source Sans Pro is used in the GSE signature with the Stanford wordmark, treat the signature itself as artwork, as it cannot be accurately reproduced by using a font.
Use the tagline in proximity to the words Stanford Graduate School of Education, to show that the statement refers to the school.

Lock the school’s name, in standard text, with the tagline graphic. When they are presented together, they should complement each other, not compete.

Use white text on a dark background to maximize contrast.

Lock any version of the Stanford GSE signature with any version of the tagline.

Use the black and red text version on a dark or colored background.

Stretch or distort the tagline graphic.

Vision element downloads
For print
You can download graphic versions of the vision tagline here, or recreate the text version as described above.
Both EPS and PDF files are vector format, meaning they can be scaled up and down without distortion or loss of resolution.
JPG files have a raster graphic on a white background and no margins.
PNG files have a raster graphic on a transparent background and no margins.
Downloads of both JPG and PNG files include three different sizes of the graphic.