Stanford GSE researchers honored by education association
The American Educational Research Association has honored Stanford faculty, students and alumni with awards for their scholarship. Most of the awards were announced during AERA's annual meeting in Washington, D.C. April 9-12. Researchers and practitioners from around the country attended the meeting, where scholars presented new research, delivered lectures on diversity, democracy and equity, and had the opportunity to take part in professional development workshops and network with colleagues.
A list of award winners follows. Descriptions of each award were provided by the AERA.

Paulo Blikstein, assistant professor of education, received the Jan Hawkins Award for Early Career Contributions for Humanistic Research and Scholarship in Learning Technologies.
The award recognizes a body of work that explores and demonstrates powerful new ways to think about technologies in contexts of learning and education, and uses innovative research methods to understand the impact of those technologies. The AERA Division C committee that presented the award said it was "was very impressed with and excited about [Blikstein's] work, and unanimously agreed that the program of research you have established is very deserving of the award."

Brian Holzman, PhD '16, received an honorable mention for the Maureen T. Hallinan Graduate Student Paper Award in the Sociology of Education Special Interest Group. The paper: DREAMing of College: The Impact of Restrictive and Accommodating In-State Resident Tuition Policies for Undocumented Students on College Choice and Preparation.

Meredith Moran, PhD '15, received the AERA Vocabulary Special Interest Group’s Student Vocabulary Research Paper Award. The paper: A world of words: An exploration of kindergartners' development of oral vocabulary and conceptual knowledge through text-based discussion.

Matthew Gardner Kelly, MA' 12, PhD '17 received the Graduate Student Paper Award from AERA Division F. The paper: More Than the Richest Bonanza of Silver and Gold’: Markets and the Development of Public Schooling in Nineteenth-Century Oregon.

Daniel Schwartz, dean of Stanford Graduate School of Education and professor of educational technology, delivered the Sylvia Scribner Award (2015) address.
The Sylvia Scribner award recognizes a program of work that has significantly influenced thinking and research in the field of learning and instruction. In particular, it is designed to honor current research that represents a significant advancement in our understanding of learning and instruction.

Rich Shavelson, emeritus professor of education and emeritus dean of Stanford GSE, received the Robert L. Linn Distinguished Address Award.
The award is given for excellence and achievement in measurement and one other area of significant work. The AERA citation said, Shavelson's career "demonstrates his exemplary ability to conduct research and development across the spectrum of basic science to policy studies. He has informed his assessment studies with deep understanding of content, cognition, and context. He has affected major policy change in State assessments, in the National Assessment of Educational Progress, for higher education, and across the globe. He has made strong contributions in a variety of domains including to the areas of instruction and to statistics, where he conducted meticulous studies that have served as models in the fields. In these and other ways, Shavelson has contributed to heightened intellectual and practical understanding of measurement as it serves a range of purposes."