Strong employment report for GSE Class of 2013
More than 90 percent of the Stanford Graduate School of Education Class of 2013 landed a job with an education-related organization within three months of graduating, according to a report just released by the school’s career resource center, Stanford EdCareers.
The center asked students last year when they graduated whether they had a job; if the student was still looking at that time, it followed up three months later. The survey found that 94 percent of the class was employed within three months, the vast majority living in the location of their choice.
According to the report, 96 percent of those with jobs were living where they wanted. The Class of 2013 is spread around the globe, working in such far-flung locations as Bhutan and Micronesia as well as across the nation; most stayed in the Bay Area.
Graduates of STEP (Stanford Teacher Education Program) were especially employable: 100 percent had jobs in education, and 98 percent were teaching in a classroom. Of those, two-thirds — 66 percent — had taken on leadership roles such as developing curriculum, initiating programs, raising funds and conducting professional development.
“I think often about all of the broader lessons from my seminar class in STEP, from year-round planning, to connecting with parents, to STEP’s general emphasis on the importance of growth mindset,” said Shea Quraishi, who is teaching second grade in Memphis.
Of the 2013 PhD graduates, 93 percent had accepted a position within three months of receiving their degree. About three-quarters, 76 percent, had taken academic positions, whether on university faculty or as postdoctoral researchers.
“I have the confidence to develop my own research program due to the mentorship I received from faculty with regards to all aspects of the research cycle,” said Julie Cohen, an assistant professor at the University of Virginia.
Eighty-three percent of recipients of master’s degrees (excluding STEP) who were seeking work were employed, 80 percent of those in an education-related organization. The alumni are working in diverse fields including policy, management consulting, education research and philanthropy.
The Class of 2013 included 209 Master’s and PhD graduates pursuing various degrees and subspecialties in the field of education.
The report, which was recently posted on the EdCareers website, was based on a survey that had a response rate of 98 percent.
Additional information about the composition of the class, the varying industries and the types of jobs is available online in the report.
Stanford alumni and students interested in the EdCareers network, please join the Linkedin group.
Mandy Erickson writes frequently for Stanford Graduate School of Education.