Research led by Professor Sean Reardon found that from spring 2022 to spring 2023, students made important learning gains, making up for about one-third of the learning they had missed in math and a quarter of the learning they had missed in reading during the pandemic.
An analysis of nationwide data on schools’ recovery led by Professor Sean Reardon shows that achievement gaps have widened, with the poorest students the furthest behind.
Associate Professor Victor R. Lee and Senior Lecturer Denise Pope analyzed cheating rates among high school students before and after the launch of ChatGPT.
Professor Thomas Dee and GSE doctoral student Sarah Novicoff evaluate an initiative bringing the ‘science of reading’ to low-performing elementary schools in California.
Research by Assistant Professor Francis Pearman finds that majority-Black schools are about three times as likely to close as schools with smaller enrollments of Black students, even when accounting for common reasons behind closures.