Associate Professor Victor Lee spearheaded the development of free resources for high school teachers to help students navigate the world of artificial intelligence.
In the Media
Professor Geoffrey L. Cohen offers practices for teachers, parents, and mentors to help young people feel seen and supported.
An op-ed coauthored by Assistant Professor Dora Demszky calls for harnessing the power of AI to help teachers foster meaningful relationships with students.
Professor Philip Fisher, director of the Stanford Center on Early Childhood, discusses findings from the RAPID survey, a national survey of families with children from birth to 5 years old.
An op-ed coauthored by Professor Mitchell Stevens argues that improving the institutions most students attend will do more than affirmative action policies to bring racial equity in higher education.
Assistant Professor Francis Pearman discusses the role school discipline plays in the racial achievement gap.
Professor Susanna Loeb, who founded and directs the National Student Support Accelerator, led a convening to explore ways to sustain and expand high-impact tutoring programs.
An analysis led by Professor Sean Reardon provides the clearest picture yet of pandemic learning loss in individual school districts across the country.
An analysis led by Professor Sean Reardon includes data from 42 states to provide the clearest picture yet of pandemic learning loss in individual school districts across the country.
An op-ed coauthored by Assistant Professor Francis A. Pearman details ways for California policymakers to respond to public school enrollment trends.
Senior Lecturer Denise Pope addresses the anxiety that can surround the college admissions process.
An intervention co-developed by Assistant Professor Farzana Saleem shows promising results in a Bay Area pilot program.
Research by Professor Susanna Loeb shows that “short-burst” tutoring in phonics provides benefits similar to more intensive and costly programs.
Teen Vogue
Assistant Professor Michael Hines calls for greater focus on the role of teachers, students, and communities in the success of schools that educated a generation of Black youth.
Associate Professor Victor Lee weighs in on a new AI detection tool.